First meeting - Adicare - psychologická a psychiatrická klinika

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+420 739 375 763
Adicare s.r.o.

First meeting

Book Your appointment

The treatment at our clinic begins with a non-binding initial and diagnostic consultation. During this meeting, an experienced psychologist will conduct a diagnostic interview with you and, if necessary, administer diagnostic tests in order to determine the severity of the problem and recommend further treatment. You will then determine the therapeutic plan together with your therapist.

It is natural to feel nervous about the first meeting. An experienced psychologist is prepared for these feelings. For someone it can be easy to speak about their problems and someone can feel more comfortable in answering questions. There is no need for preparation; our psychologists are respectful and empathetic. They will guide you through the first meeting.

What are the goals of the initial and diagnostic consultation?

The aim of the initial and diagnostic consultation is to provide the client with answers to six basic questions:

  1. What exactly is it that’s bothering me?
    We will identify the main problem together, that means we will establish the main diagnosis. We often struggle with stress, sadness, insomnia, exhaustion, hopelessness or fear. However, there are many depressive, stress and anxiety disorders and each of them is approached therapeutically somewhat differently. If we specify the problems more precisely, it will help us to deal with them more effectively and in a more targeted way.

  2. What causes my problems, what can make them worse or perpetuate them?
    We put the main problem into a broader context and identify any associated difficulties that we may no longer be fully aware of when experiencing psychological pain. These difficulties can often act as triggers for the main problem and it is important to identify them. This is the only way we can properly tailor the therapeutic treatment.

  3. How serious is my problem, do I need medication?
    We will determine the severity of the problem and recommend the optimal form of care. Sometimes psychotherapy is sufficient, sometimes it is appropriate to supplement psychotherapy with gentle medication or an examination by an internist, neurologist, etc. Treatment of some psychological problems can be accelerated by e.g. breathing therapy, meditation therapy, etc.

  4. Which psychotherapeutic method is best for me?
    What is CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy, logotherapy or existential analysis? Some psychotherapeutic methods work more with thoughts, others with emotions, some are more directive, others more supportive and accepting. There is a variety of psychotherapeutic methods. Before entering the therapeutic process, we will recommend the one that best suits not only the nature of your difficulties but also your personality traits. We will also explain the main principles of this approach. In this way you will be able to decide for yourself whether this path suits you and to avoid any later disappointment.

  5. How long will the therapy last?
    Of course, we cannot give you a precise answer to this question. The degree of therapeutic success depends not only on the chosen method or the therapist, but also on many external factors and the degree of cooperation of the client. However, based on the chosen method and experience with clients with similar problems, we will certainly inform you about the average length of the intervention.

  6. Can I choose my own therapist?
    We select your therapist together with you so that he or she not only has the professional qualifications to solve your problem, but also suits you personally. We try to take into account your wishes regarding the gender or age of your psychologist. At the first meeting you and your therapist already start working together, but in a sense this meeting is also an introduction for you. If the therapist does not suit you personally, there is no need to tell him or to give any reason. Just contact the diagnosing psychologist who will work with you to select a different therapist. The cost of the first therapy, which failed to establish an appropriate safe environment, is of course borne by our clinic. We currently have over 40 professionals on our team, so we are able to provide you with a therapist “truly tailored” to you.

Are you curious about what types of psychotherapeutic methods can be used at the AdiCare clinic? Find more information here.

What is the importance of creating a therapeutic plan?

In order for psychotherapy not to be merely a conversation, we recommend that you plan a therapeutic plan at the outset. The therapeutic plan should include the approximate duration of the therapeutic intervention, the type of psychotherapy that is most fitting, and a recommendation of a particular therapist from Adicare clinic, who will not only have the necessary expertise to help you in your problem, but will also suit your needs as much as possible. If necessary, the plan may further include a psychiatric examination, appropriate medication, a revision of existing medication, or an  examination by a neurologist or internist.

A diagnostic consultation can also be provided as a one-off counseling session for partners and relatives.

Get in touch with us today and order a nonbinding assessment consultation. You can reach us at: +420 739 375 763 (Wednesday 2pm – 5pm, Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 5pm)