Anxiety - Adicare - psychologická a psychiatrická klinika

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+420 739 375 763
Adicare s.r.o.


„I’m almost always afraid that something is wrong and that I just cannot handle certain situations. I’m often stressed and nervous…“

Each of us sometimes feels fear; fear is our natural defense mechanism and a healthy reaction to threat. So when does fear turn into a problem? This occurs when fear is felt frequently and is accompanied by unpleasant bodily sensations (tremors, sweating, heart pounding, chest pain, etc.) and when anxiety feelings become profound and influence our daily life. That’s what we call an anxiety disorder.

If we come to the conclusion that fear is influencing and gradually decreasing the quality of our life, it is important to seek professional help immediately. Similarly to other physical conditions, the sooner we start treatment, the easier and more effective the treatment will be. Anxiety disorders are very common and are evident in a large populational spectrum; it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Avoidance exacerbates fear

People with anxiety disorders tend to avoid situations that elicit excessive fear and stress. Avoidance, however, aggravates the disorder. For instance, when we have an unnaturally strong fear related to interacting with our colleagues at a meeting, and start avoiding such stressful situations, we may generalize this fear to a broader spectrum, leading to the experience of strong anxiety at the mere idea of having to go to the workplace in general.

Alcohol and anxiolytics are addictive

Anxiety medication that brings immediate relief (anxiolytics – based on benzodiazepines) are highly addictive and do not in any way resolve the nature of the anxiety disorder. Moreover, many people who suffer from anxiety believe that having an alcoholic drink will help them feel better.

Alcohol provides a short-term relief, but may lead to addiction

Alcohol has an effect on the same brain centers as anxiolytics do, and the personal cost that it brings about, just to offer a short-term relief, is actually really high.

Common anxiety disorders:

We achieve very good results with our clients in the treatment of anxiety disorders with cognitive behavioral therapy. Often, ten to twelve meetings are enough, and a person suffering from any form of anxiety disorder is then able to enjoy life without the restrictions that it places. For more serious manifestations, psychotherapy can be supported with weaker antidepressants from the SSRI group.

Do not let anxiety interfere with the quality of your life. Call us and order an independent assessment meeting. We will be happy to explain all the details of your treatment.